Blue Fluent™℠ Ponds


There are many kinds of Fresh Water Ponds such as firefighting reserves, farm agricultural irrigation ponds,  fish ponds, storm water management retention basins, water gardens with  fountains, water falls, foot bridges, and beautiful foliage to create a beautiful entry or focal point.   

Large farm ponds can be are more economical than purchasing large cisterns  structures.


  1. Select location on your property
  2. Check what permits are required- NCRS, Local, State, EPA
  3. Choose volume capacity , determine depth, width, and length. Will it be an excavated depression or a dam?
  4. Choose pond liner barrier- rubber pond liner vs clay
  5. Identify existing soil type , is there existing subsurface ground water, 
  6. Identify where the source water will come from that will fill the pond (well, roof run off, site run off) 
  7. Identify the equipment to run the pond- piping, silt & turbity barriers, aeration, anti-algae dyes (nontoxic), UV filters
  8. Direct where the over flow goes when pond is full (standard storm drainage issues) 


Contact Marilyn Crenshaw Architect to help design your pond for function and beauty, Create a site plan to locate it on your property, size it, construction details, assemble & manage consultant team, and pursue permits.