Blue Fluent™℠ Understanding & Education

This website contains educational resources and materials to facilitate your understanding on integrated water management and efficiency methods for sustainable and ecological design of the built environment.


  1. Everything Water Touches In The Built Environment 
  2. Water Security in both quantity and quality. 
  3. Awareness of your water use. 
  4. Quantity of your water supply. 
  5. The cost & effort of getting your water. 
  6. How to do water budget supply and demand calculations. 
  7. Irrigation capacity for food growing
  8. Understanding water harvesting, collection, up-cycling reclamation, and what filtered quality of water can be used for what specific tasks. Type of filters and what they can filter out of your water. Pollutants. 
  9. Fire protection water reserves and requirements. 
  10. Solutions for droughts. Emergency planning. Resilience before and after disasters. Solutions for storm drainage over flow. No contaminated run off.
  11. Optimize water shed and aquifer health. 
  12. Erosion control. Post Fire Mud Slide Mitigations
  13. Hill Side Stabilization Terracing & Planned Tree Roots
  14. Current vs. proposed Codes & Policies regarding many aspects of water- Local, State, and Federal. 
  15. Water storage vessels and agricultural ponds. 
  16. Operation manuals. 
  17. Maintaining your water system- in good operable repair, periodic water lab tests,  snow  issues and freeze mitigation, seismic mitigation, circulation & aeration, installation details. 
  18. Water losses from leaks, faulty equipment, evaporation, percolation. 
  19. Solar Voltaic pumped Hydroelectric systems. 
  20. Statistics on water shortages. 
  21. Electrical power required to run pumps. 
  22. Embodied water in consumer products. 
  23. Embodied carbon in water. 
  24. conventional septic systems
  25. Hot potable water for drinking, cooking, bathing
  26. Safe proprietary sewage processing packages to reclaim waste water. 
  27. Measure and monitor. High Tech smart monitoring devices. 
  28. Living roofs and walls. 
  29. Phases of water. 
  30. Harvesting evaporation condensate. 
  31. Distillers and  solar distillers
  32. Types of pipe & distribution devices. Gutters And Leaf Guards
  33. Labeling Protocol For Pipes And Storage Tanks
  34. Efficient fixtures, appliances & equipment. 
  35. Net Zero. 
  36. Applications for Retrofit vs. New construction
  37. Paving And Roadway Design
  38. A La Carte solutions for Integrated Water Management. There is no one size fits all. 

After you’ve reviewed this partial a la carte menu, I invite you to consult with me in collaboration on your project to detail and specify these features into your project.