Blue Fluent™℠ Water Due Diligence Services To Explore Your Project

Development Planning Water Due Diligence

Issues that could make or break a project: 

  • Source-reliability -(waning or polluted aquifer, reduced snow melt, over allocated aqueduct, desalinization plant construction completion
  • Source quality- chemicals or other toxins
  • Treatment- fluoride, chlorine
  • Rainfall drought due to removal of forests, or other corporate resource extraction

Issues Rural vs. Urban

  • Grid vs. independent


Multi-unit Eco Community Common Area Water Issues

Issues to address in :CC&R’s 

  • Allocation per member
  • Toxin & chemical bans 
  • Filter to protect overflow to watershed & aquifer
  • Maintenance to monitor quality & quantity
  • Collection
  • Reclamation
  • Storage
  • Water source is destined for what use
  • Above ground vs. underground
  • Minimizing evaporation 
  • Building maintenance materials protocol to ensure purity of catchment surfaces
  • Beauty, Smell, Member Water System Education
  • Record keeping
  • Transparency
  • Emergency reserve (leak, fire, contamination)
  • Consensus

Sustainable Eco Development Food Production From Managed Water

Life Security Issues: 

  • Need enough water to grow food to feed occupants
  • Crops that need potable quality rain water i.e.  (lettuce & strawberries)
  • Crops that can receive subterranean irrigation
  • Crops that can receive subterranean black water
  • Green house vs. exterior
  • Biocell pond lines to prevent percolation loss in the closed loop cycle
  • Omnivore vs. vegan water per calorie
  • High nutrient super foods
  • Medicinal botanical gardens
  • Mycology
  • Minerals & Nutrient