Blue Fluent™℠ Water Security


The concept of  NET ZERO WATER  means “collect & reclaim as much as you use” & not rely on the underground aquifer. 


Concerns- Is the supply volume adequate or polluted? Is there power to run the pumps to deliver the water to your point of use? Have a solar powered pump system to keep water pumping if grid power goes down. Plan B back up choices- Truck-in water or  install a water catchment system. Calculations are always for worst case scenario.1 inch of rainfall on 1 sq ft is .6 gal.  Plan collection and storage for 25% of the dry season. Find your rain fall- Water can be collected off of all surfaces: roofs, pavement, and earth. The separate catchment surface sources must be stored & filtered separately, pipes labeled, and the system would pre-designate what source of water is used for subcategories of the water demand budget. All of the used non-toilet waste water can be reclaimed, recycled and re-used perpetually for more grey water. The water lost to the closed loop system from orchard irrigation percolation or evaporation, is replaced by annual precipitation. 


A balanced water budget, similar to financial security, determines Water Security.  Supply Calculations include safety factors to account for maintenance, tank cleaning, testing, leaks, percolation & evaporation losses. Demand calculations include domestic use, firefighting reserve, agricultural use, and special hobby or commercial uses. Old school pre-“water emergency” thinking budgeted 100 gallons of water per person per day. 10% of our domestic water is required to be potable quality (for drinking, food prep & bathing).  Indoor use accounts for 70%. Toilets account for 30 % of the indoor use (30% x 70% = 21%)  becomes toilet water. Some jurisdictions allow and some proprietary devices reclaim toilet water. Even if toilet water is  reclaimed to potable clear quality, people are repulsed by that, so use reclaimed toilet water for edible orchard irrigation or more toilet flushing. 


SCHEDULE YOUR WATER SECURITY ASSESSMENT– Fixed fee for urban single residential, varying fee for large properties, mixed use, non-residential, and or multi-residential projects. Marilyn Crenshaw Architect, 831-713-9860,