Blue Fluent™℠ Fire Damage Rebuild Services

Oct  2020


As an Architect on many disaster rebuilds before and after the 2015 Lake Fire, I present this roadmap to expedite the rebuilding process, with fire resiliency thru the lens of water optimization. Blue Fluent fire rebuild designs for environmental resilience include: erosion resilient  landscaping, manage storm water by sculpting the land with swales & terraces to invite percolation control, harvest  and reclaim water to use in the dry season, and for fire suppression. Fires may result from the environment’s shortage of moisture and water. 

  • OBTAIN DAMAGE ASSESSMENT DOCUMENTS- from Fire Agency or Jurisdiction (required before debris removal permit  is issued)
  • FILE  CLAIM WITH  INSURANCE OR FEMA-  Hire a claims appraiser to advocate your interests for the highest settlement
  • FILE  TAX ASSESSOR REASSESSMENT-  to have your property re-assessed. It’s worth less if you subtract the value of destroyed improvements , to lower your property tax bill. 
  • EXPEDITE TEMPORARY HOUSING TO  REDUCE  COSTS-  apply for an RV/mobile home permit with a port-a potty that gets pumped weekly, or sewage disinfection system,  (if you don’t have functioning sewage or septic service), The goal is to get utilities and a sleeping area, kitchen and bathroom facilities  immediately allowing you  to reside on your property until the rebuilding is complete. If this is phase 1 of your  masterplan, you just keep adding modules until build-out is complete. No further expenses to remove it & replace it later. 
  • IDENTIFY FUNDS TO REBUILD-  cash, insurance claim funding, FEMA, savings, friends/family/gift, prequalified mortgage
  • MATCH  REBUILDING FUNDS TO PLANS- make sure the rebuilding plans you will have prepared match your funds to rebuild budget. 
  • CHICKEN & EGG IMPORTANT BUDGET ANALYSIS  EXERCISE- Hire a professional to start a master site plan, phase 1 (kitchen, bath, sleeping)  vs ultimate build-out goals, super preliminary design sketches, prepare rough area calculations of habitable, non-habitable, paving, fences, utilities. Get budget analysis cost estimates  by a general contractor. Get consultant and permit estimates. Compare total to your rebuild funds. Reduce size until estimates matches  rebuild budget.
  • “REBUILD IN-KIND”- is what jurisdiction & insurance carrier call rebuilding  a similar floor area , number of bedrooms, bathrooms . The replacement improvements will be required to meet all current codes (zoning, building,&  fire codes). Rebuild of a non-conforming may be required to relocate further from property lines, slopes, or sensitive areas
  • SITE DESIGN– have an updated survey showing the topography and any improvements surviving from the fire. Locate all features, improvements, and components: buildings, driveway,  septic, well, utilities, tanks,  underground trenches, fire truck turn around, parking, significant trees, slopes, paving, landscaping.  Make sure all puzzle pieces fit.
  • EROSION CONTROL PLAN- for  landslide mitigation.  Optimize sculpting the land with swales and terraces to invite maximum percolation, and collection into ponds., ideally sculpt and swale the land integrated with site master plan to direct & collect water.
  • CODES THAT HAVE BECOME MORE STRICT- WUI Fire Codes, Structural Codes, Drainage Storm Water Protection Plans, All Homes Require Soil Engineer Report, CA Title 24 Energy Code  Now Mandates Net Zero Energy (Building Power Use Not To Exceed Power Production) 
  • GATHER ALL RECORDS THAT DOCUMENT WHAT THE IMPROVEMENTS WERE BEFORE THE DISASTER- Obtain permit records from jurisdiction: septic,  planning & building dept  archives, tax assessor records, contact prior design professionals & consultants who worked on the property,  appraisers, surveyors, inspectors to obtain records from their archives,
  • OPTIONAL DESIGN UPGRADES– If you had a permitted non-habitable building  or a non-permitted building, you can apply to rebuild it either as non-habitable or habitable. Reduce the inconvenience of power company rolling brown-outs with abundant renewable power & back up systems. “Blue Fluent  TM”,  Integrated Water Management, optimization of everything water touches in the built environment can be a pattern in your rebuild design. Harvest  & optimize available water  with huge water  storage  pond or vessel for fire suppression systems.  Reclaim water for irrigation of edible landscape plants. 
  • CONFIRM ONGOING HOME OWNERS FIRE  INSURANCE Will your prior insurance carrier continue offering you a home owners policy? I’ve heard rumors that FairPlan , , will insure anyone but it is more expensive. Lenders require insurance ( for either you or a potential buyer) 
  1. HIRE YOUR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL  TO START DRAWING PLANS  It’s complicated for a DIY.  MARILYN CRENSHAW ARCHITECT,, 831-713-9860  ,, Linked-In: ,  See my YouTube Fire And Disaster Rebuild Videos-