Domestic water exiting a house is: 40-50% gray water, gray water is alkaline ph 50-60% black water Subsurface irrigation saves 50% of irrigation from drying / evaporation To grow food, the rain catchment surface must be 2.5 times larger than the cultivated area Typical rain: 40% infiltrates, 15% goes to the watershed, 45% evapotranspires (becomes …
Fifty-eighty percent of residential “waste” water is comprised of dish, shower, sink, and laundry water. This “waste” water can be reused for other purposes such as landscape irrigation. Grey water is any water that has been used in the home, except water from toilets. Fifty-eighty percent of residential “waste” water is comprised of dish, shower, …
Have you ever thought about how the food at the grocery store ended up sitting on the shelf? Or how much energy or water it took for that food to grow, and how far it traveled? These are things we should be more conscious about in our lives because water is a finite resource, and …