Covid Real Estate Repurposing & Redesign

Create cash  flow solutions in response to vacancies & reduced tenant capacity to pay rent:

GYMS, SALONS, & SPAS– rename as health offices to  be considered an essential service

Industrial Parks- convert into live work condos

HOTELS & MOTELS– Leverage the plumbing and parking. convert into condominiums, townhouses, co-housing, &  apartments to serve: all ages, or specialize: seniors, parents with kids, 

SCHOOLS & EDUCATION FACILITIES– Convert   to live-work condos or apartment units, create home schooling community rooms & provide child care

FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICE:  leverage that commercial kitchen permit, convert seating to multiple vendor food court with “to go “ only 

OFFICES– convert to live work condominiums, convert one of the suites into

RESIDENCES: convert some of the common space to add an additional bedroom & bathroom. Make every bedroom a master bedroom suite with a private bathroom, exterior entrance, and wet bar. Then you can increase the rent to “studio apartment” rate

RETAIL STORES: convert into mini fulfillment centers  with multiple vendors with to go pick up only

INDUSTRIAL PARKS: create light industrial live-work condos,  create urban agricultural sites

STADIUMS AND ATHLETIC PARKS: create tiny home parks,, mobile home & RV parks

TIPS– Expedite permits  with allowable  zoning.  Obtain Affordable Housing incentives to respond to the shortage of over 7 million affordable housing units in the USA.  Create home occupation hubs. Create  a community kitchen/bathroom/laundry plumbed facility. Create to go pick up lobby’s where folks can be 6 ft apart.


Schedule a feasibility consultation to transform your property