Definition of Blue Fluent™℠ Trademark

Person Recipients Of Blue Fluent 1 Hour Continuing Education Courses 

Demonstrates knowledge & fluency on that selected topic 

Person Recipients Of Blue Fluent Course Certificate 

Demonstrates fluency on all general integrated water management topics related to everything water touches in  the built environment 

Person Recipients Of Blue Fluent Masters Degree 

Demonstrates fluency on all general integrated water management topics related to everything water touches in  the built environment plus has written a Thesis on developing bare land into an ecological net zero agricultural  community of 200 person to 10,000 population. Teaches non engineer/building professional rule of thumb per  capita fluency for sustainable community development. The 16 courses of the classic Masters Degree requirement  help the student build the Thesis step by step. It will be a hybrid online course 

Product Recipients Of Blue Fluent Certifications 

Our team of blue experts certify the building product as contributing to efficiency of everything water touches in the  built environment 

Building Recipients Of Blue Fluent Certifications 

Demonstrates integration and efficiency of everything water touches in the built environment 

Certification of Education programs by others

Demonstrates that course content contributes to the Blue Fluent Course Certificate (so students get credit towards  the Blue Fluent Course Certificate 

Water Department Recipients Of Adopting Blue Fluent New Normal Water Policy Demonstrates pursuit of conserving the local aquifer & natural water resources that comprise the water that the  water department is able to sell to consumers. 

Affords economic stimulus by allowing new development , job creation, and increased local taxes to strengthen the  community by inviting developers & companies to invest locally (without imposing on already scarce & threatened  local water supplies).  

The local water department works in conjunction with the local building and planning department to require that:

  1. New project improvements on undeveloped land shall be net zero, independent of local aquifer & water  resources. 
  2. Requires new permits on remodels & additions require making the existing building improvements more  efficient.


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