Marilyn Crenshaw Architectural Services Menu

Blue Fluent Water Collection Reclamation Assessment – Water Supply & Demand Calculations, Site & Roof Plan Diagram For Water Collection Surface & Storage Vessel Locations

WATER FEASIBILITY: water budgets for supply & demand, super preliminary system design & component sizing, followed by RFP to design-build installers, get their cost for permits & installation

WATER BUDGETS- stretch your water supply, integrated water management, demand & supply water use estimates. estimate  for annual water volume for all uses on property,  water reserve for fire fighting. Estimate all water sources of water available through meters, wells, precipitation collection, grey water reclamation, storm water retention & detention. Estimate baseline volumes VS life style self reliance with additional water allocated for food growing

NET ZERO POWER & WATER- off grid or grid optional, DESIGN building improvements to generate as much power as they use & collect/reclaim as much water as they use

OFF GRID UTILITY SIZING: be super self reliant when power company rolling brown outs occur, ball park size water volumes, power supply, back up power


Covid Vacant Real Estate Repurposing– Zoning & Preliminary Design Study Conversion Into Essential Services &/or Mixed Use With Live-Work 


Covid Response Residential Architecture-  Home Office & Study Suites,  Sanitizing /Washing Station, Social Distancing Accommodation Floor Plans, Fresh Air Ventilation, Floor Plan Modification To Facilitate Rent Income Upgrades, Create Master Suites With  Kitchenettes & Exterior Entries 


COVID COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL REAL ESTATE REPURPOSING- identify current zoning, inventory existing improvements, zoning research for allowable other uses, super preliminary design to obtain estimates for permit/consultants/construction cost , optimize for essential business uses, leverage assets such as parking, wet plumbing, power service, accessibility,   collaborate with your realtor re potential rental values , collaborate with your accountant/CEO regarding ROI, convert to multi use with residential

COVID RESIDENTIAL REPURPOSING: convert every  existing bedroom to a master bedroom suite with a wet bar and exterior entrance (increase rent so that every bedroom suite pays studio rate), accommodate more occupants  in the building or offer home offices since more folks are tele-commuting now  . 

SITE ADAPTATION FOR PREFAB, MODULAR & RECYCLED PLANS- foundation design, connect the prefab building with a horizontal floor to your sloping site, utility, drainage, zoning conforming placement on lot

COVID HEALTHY BUILDING: sunlight, fresh air, ventilation, heat exchanger, negative air pressure, air filters, hand washing & sanitizer stations, indoor air quality filters utility porch shower/laundry/change clothes stations, lime stone finishes for 11 ph where pathogens can’t live, ultra violet (UV) lights, plants for oxygenated air, minimize  or omit common area halls, stairs, elevators where social distancing is challenging, quarantine suites,  optimize social distancing, take out pick up and drop off zones, water distillers, grow food so others don’t handle it, 


Developer Package– Entitlement/ Discretionary/Design /Use Permit, Preliminary Design Site Plan, Permit Administration


SOFT COSTS  MINI DUE DILLIGENCE PACKAGE- (includes super preliminary design, obtain permit fee estimates, consultant fee estimates), time estimates of consultant documents preparation, time estimates of permit processing, send request for proposals (RFP) to multiple consultants

HARD COSTS BUDGET ANALYSIS MINI DUE DILLIGENCE PACKAGE –  super preliminary design, with ball park take offs of habitable, non habitable, utilities, renewable energy, wells, septic, decks, paving, fencing, landscaping, site work, fire code features, equipment, roads, bridges, & misc improvements),    send request for proposals (RFP) to multiple general contractors & cost estimators


Tenant Improvements– For Non-Residential New Tenant’s Operation


Condominium Interiors– Non-Exterior, Non-Structural, Minor Permits, New Interior Finishes / Built-Ins / Appliances / Fixtures


Residential  Interiors-  Color Boards, Cabinet & Built In Design, Quantify & Specify All Materials/Appliances/Fixtures So They Can Be Pre-Ordered And Shipped To Site Prior To Construction

FIRE, HURRICANE & DISASTER REBUILDING– feasibility, admin,  rebuild in-kind preliminary design &  working drawings plans, permits, project management, assist client with insurance company rebuild documentation, 


Disaster Rebuild In-Kind– Verify Previous Improvements, Re-Build Working Drawings, Coordinate With Your Insurance Co., Pursue Building Permit 


FIRE, HURRICANE & DISASTER REBUILDING- feasibility, admin,  rebuild in-kind preliminary design &  working drawings plans, permits, project management, assist client with insurance company rebuild documentation, 

POST FIRE EROSION CONTROL & LANDSCAPING: organize site storm water drainage with swales, terraces, wattles, pursue maximum percolations/retention/detention/catchment, set up overflow system, compliment riparian zone,  specify plants that have appropriate roots for soil stabilization, edible,  fire resistant,  drought resistant, consistent with long term build out landscape features, designate all long term paving areas, fire truck turn around, pervious paving,  generally entails doing a site plan design, locate where all underground utility trenching for pipes & conduits will go. Ideally install erosion mitigation aligned with long term layout so you don’t have to redo anything later.


Preliminary Design With Time & Budget Estimates-  Hard Costs Of Building Improvements, Soft Costs Of Permits, Consultants, Carrying Costs Combined With Preliminary Design Diagrams To Determine What Is The Size Of Project For Your Budget, Road Map To Your Desired Finished Project


PRELIMINARY DeSIGN: used for early construction cost estimates, HOA approvals, design preview, discretionary permit, and generally is the design process to finally arrive at the design you authorize to proceed with construction drawings

OPERATION MANUAL: before the construction, the operation manual identifies what the systems are, how they work, recommended maintenance/servicing/testing, collection of the appliances/equipment/ specified on the plans, passive & active systems


Sustainable Off Grid– Grid Optional,  Passive Solar Design, Net Zero Power, Net Zero Water, Carbon Neutral


Site Design– Master Plan, Community Design, Tentative Maps, Parking, Paving, Building Footprint, Utilities, Fire Truck Turn Arounds, Project Phasing, Landscaping, Swimming Pools, Handicap Accessibility


Site Adaptation – Prefab, Modular, Kit Home Plans, Recycled Plans, & Hybrid Combinations, Connect The Pre-Drawn Plans To Your Land With Site Plan, Topography, Foundation , Utilities, Drainage

BUY ARCHITECT’S PRIOR PLANS, recycle them on your project. Site adaptation required to fit the building to your land’s topography & compass orientation

WORKING DRAWINGS: the construction drawings for construction bids, filing  building permit application

PERMIT ADMINISTRATION: research permits that will be required, costs, time 

INTERIOR DESIGN: interior drawings, specify all interior finishes

LANDSCAPE DESIGN: drought resistant/fire resistant/ edible/ornamental/ erosion resistant plantings, paving & hardscape, decks, water features such as pools, spas, fountains

ALL KINDS OF PROJECTS: single family residential, multi family residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, tenant improvements

TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION: site built, prefab, modular, hybrid (part prefab/modular, part site built), new, remodel, additions, conversions


Curb Appeal Fix Ups-  For Real Estate Sellers


Consultant Team Coordination– Assemble & Manage (Engineers, Consultants, Drafters, & Design Consultant Professionals)


ASSEMBLE AND MANAGE CONSULTANT TEAM (surveyor, geotechnical, structural, drainage, drainage, septic, energy, etc )


Set Up & Maintain Cloud Site– For Project Team Documents


Family Trust Real Estate Management- Inventory All Improvements & Properties, Operation Manual With Schedule Of Annual Maintenance


Site Visit Consultation– With Follow Up Research &  Summaries


Property Disaster Resistance Evaluation– Review Water, Power, Passive Strategies, Fire, Food Growing, Security, Flood Mitigation, Back-Up Power Sizing, UV Light Water Purification, Solar Distillers, Self Reliance


Art Installation Direction– Coordinate Between Artist, Permit Entities, Site Plan, Structural , Foundation, Lighting



VIP Subscription–  For Realtors, Developers, Owner Builders, Architect On-Call To Respond To Questions


MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION: Concierge customer VIP, on-call to realtors (similar to MDVIP), contractors, developers, or owner builders to answer questions


Per Diem Travel- To Your Location


Tiny Homes, Guest Houses, Accessory Dwelling Units– Design, Plans & Permits CUSTOMIZED TINY HOUSES- repurposed planes/trains/boats/buses/containers, turn into 


Advisory Boards–  For Design, Construction, Development, Sustainability, &/0r Water Entities ADVISORY BOARDS: consult to boards of directors

MAINTAIN CLOUD SITE:  for project team members, of all updated available documents

PER DIEM:  travel to your property


SPEAKING: to group

TRAINING:  at your company, sustainable water & power systems, codes


PHONE CONSULTATIONS: first  15 minutes free, 30 minutes, 1 hr, 1.5 hour, 2 hrs, 2.5 hrs  

SITE VISIT: 1.5 hr minimum up to 3 hrs


Marilyn Crenshaw Architect  A Professional Corporation. In  CA, NM, CO, AZ, WA.  MBA, LEED, ARCSA


PO Box 4204 Santa Cruz ,CA 95063, PO  Box 2770 Taos, NM 87571

Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Agricultural, New, Remodel, Addition . Full Time Experience Architecture Industry Since 1977

12 Years Experience On Appointed Local Government Committees, Including 4 Years Planning Commissioner

Fees- Fixed Fees & Hourly With Not To Exceed % Of Market Value Construction Cost

I look forward to hearing from you regarding how I can be of service on your projects

Cell Phone 831-713-9860,