The Heart of Blue Regarding Water

What is it regarding water that cultivates feelings you love, and beauty in life?  The magic of being at a clean beautiful water fall in nature? The negative ions of the mist  evaporating, swirling air bubbles that oxygenate and purify water when the waterfall pounds at  the bottom of it’s fall? Dipping into a bath tub or hot tub of your desired warm temperature?  Going to a natural hot springs in nature? Making & sipping your favorite hot beverage of tea  or coffee in the morning, that is especially delicious because it’s made of crystal clear purified  water? Washing colorful produce fresh from the farmers market or your garden knowing how  delicious your meal is going to be? Watering your favorite flowers, herbs or veggies seeing  them perk up & waft their aroma? Watching lacy geometric snowflakes falling? The diamond  jewel like twinkling sparkles of new fallen snow in the full moon or when the morning sun  illuminates it? Sitting at a panoramic view of a lake or the ocean at a pinky orange sunrise or  sunset? Dipping into a river or lake on a hot summer day? Walking, skipping, or running along  the ocean’s shore on a clean sand beach and how fun that feels on your toes? Scuba or skin  diving seeing the rainbow of colors in cute underwater sea life? Knowing your cistern is full of  water? Surfing, stand-up paddling, water skiing, snow skiing, snowboarding, kayaking, sailing,  windsurfing, or kite surfing on a beautiful day in ideal conditions? Wallowing on a raft or inner  tube in a pool or a lake? As a child playing in mud puddles or creek stomping in your rubber  boots? Swimming in a lake on a hot day? Sunbathing in hot sand then jumping into the cool  ocean or lake to cool off? Rainbows in the sky during monsoon rainy season? Drinking a  pristine delicious glass of water in your favorite glass? Water color painting sitting by a  beautiful body of water? Hearing the frogs croak from their water lounge habitat? Watching  the pelicans fly in their V-shape over the ocean? Swimming with the dolphins? Whale  watching? Or anything else of your heart’s desire… Pure healthy abundant water is key in all  of these experiences! 

To insure life continues to have abundant fulfilling satiating awe inspiring blue moments like  those are reasons for you to be a steward of water on our green and blue planet, to be fluent  in blue, and to access the steps you can do to conserve every drop of water that water  touches in the built environment. You can vote with your consumer dollar using non-polluting  products & practices & investments in blue infrastructure in your home & workplace.  

To empower yourself as a blue steward and learn more:  

See My You Tube Channel Videos 

Take my CEU courses about water: closed-loop-water-systems 

Sign Up For A Blue Architecture Consultation regarding how your property or  facility can optimize every drop of water via collection & reclamation for water security and to  manifest your water legacy


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