Water Problems and Solutions

I attended and presented at the 9th annual  Water Smart Innovations (WSI) conference https://www.watersmartinnovations.com attended by a few hundred  pioneer USA and global water departments.  

WATER PROBLEM IDENTIFIED: 9 years ago, water conferences were expressing concern that in 10  years they wouldn’t have water to sell to their constituencies. Populations are increasing and initiating  increased water demand, while the supply of water is decreasing from over-allocated and depleted aquifer  levels, reduced dam and lake levels, and reduced rainfall. Some water departments did run out of water. PIONEER WATER DEPARTMENT RESPONSE: (that we can expect the 53,000 USA water departments  to follow) 

Rates are increasing to pay for upgrading water infrastructure.  

Rebates (that conserve 20% of water) are being offered for installation of water conserving devices such  as: appliances, fixtures, equipment, & gray water irrigation systems.  

Social Media programs campaign for conservation 

Smart Meters: The water industry is going mainstream following the power industry in use of Automated  Meter Infrastructure (AMI) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_meter#Advanced_metering_infrastructure & statistically tracking  population quantity of resource use and times of day. 

The elephant in the room : Water rates are increasing while water supply is decreasing. Where is the extra  water going to come from?  


A Water Industry Task Force is being formed to establish criteria for allowing reclaimed waste water to be  used for mainstream water supply such as Toilet To Tap) http://www.environmentalleader.com/2015/12/14/toilet-to-tap-wastewater recycling-takes-off-as-water-supplies-shrink/. The Task Force may take up to 10 years for to establish criteria for waste  water re-use to become mainstream in the International Plumbing Code 

CUSTOM SOLUTIONS AVAILABLE NOW: My 2016 WSI talk was : “How To Design Net Zero, Closed  Loop, Grid-Optional Water Systems.” That means use water, collect it, reclaim it, filter appropriate to  intended use, and repeat cycle (Using the same water over and over).  

The conference indirectly admitted that the topic of my talk IS the solution to provide ever increasing water  demand. ”  

You can pursue Net Zero, Closed Loop, Integrated Water Management Systems now. You need an  architect like me who is fluent on the system components together with the consultants I coordinate, and  you can get a permit for a customized water system. 


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